DDB Latina

Welcome to the workshop of the work you never saw coming.
DDB Latina Puerto Rico

When we act at the crossroads of creativity, humanity and technology, amazing things happen. It inspires the way we behave, how we work and what we create. DDB Latina Puerto Rico was established in 2011, when DDB global conglomerate joined EJE Sociedad Publicitaria (founded in 1995) operations.

Local clients include Walmart, DonQ, L’Oréal Caribe, Unilever and Medalla Light. DDB Worldwide is one of the biggest and most awarded advertising and marketing networks. Founded in 1949, DDB is part of the Omnicom (NYSE) group and has more than 200 offices in more than 90 countries, with headquarters in New York.

Some of our clients
Strategic Planning
Our multidisciplinary team of strategists work to grow your business by giving your brand a unique Emotional Advantage.
"When we started our agency, we had in mind precisely the kind of people we wanted with us. There were two requirements: You had to be talented and you had to be nice.”

- Bill Bernbach